As a child, I was curious about my mother's makeup and how she puts every tone and shade on her face and it was fabulous. Her selection shades resembling her outfit were truly admirable. A few of her make-up products and her elegance after wearing them was so charming, And there's it was when I found my passion and love for makeup.
I have never been a makeup maniac but I like to dress up and look good. I think it gives you confidence if you know that you look presentable. But I have observed from my surroundings that people are very much fond of artificial beauty that the makeup brands and cosmetic industry have launched products and equipment which changes your appearance rather than enhancing or polishing your natural beauty. But sometimes I feel like I have to dress up in a certain way as if it is a necessity and not my choice, as I don’t want to be an outcast and be judged by others on my appearance and compared with my age mates. It feels as if I have been enforced to look the way people want me to see. Girls around me are obsessed with makeup. I have seen their makeup collections. I find it insane to have the same products more than one in number. I visualize girls being so obsessed with makeup that they keep putting on loads of makeup blurring their true charm and essence of personalities while going out. Also, I have looked up makeup tutorials on the internet and a collection of makeup and sometimes it makes me doubt myself up to some extent as it is considered to be a signature of our gender and I am bad at coping up with the pace of the world. Why aren’t we ready to accept the way we are, until and unless we change and imitate others by applying tons of makeup which is not a good thing at all. Thinking that the insecurities might underpin some of our makeup choices then let’s just pass-through this by thinking out of the insecurities.

                                                   Aesthetic Pens~


  1. The topic you have chosen is so Lit and and the opening lines added a spark to it. Very well written.

  2. Something that needs to be discussed more!

  3. oh my God ! incredible
    i never thought this kind of topic can be putted so well

  4. The fact that we don't talk about our insecurities that often, or we don't bring them up at all!!! Being a girl is hard !! We usually compare ourselves with others and thas where it all goes wrong !!

  5. P.S. great job on bringing this up !

  6. So true. Most of the girls I've seen are all about more beauty and less brains. It's like even their personalities have makeup on. You almost can't recognize a girl after she has cleansed her face. Lol.


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